Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My thesis explained in one drawing

I had a meeting today and I had to explain my thesis, but couldn't use PowerPoint or anything like that, only the whiteboard. This was the end result.


  1. LOVE this - i know there was something friggin BRILLIANT explained in those crazy drawings, congrats paul!!!!

  2. I see boobies! You drew the chest of a headless, arm-less, topless woman. All your thesis proves is that you really are a perv.

  3. Hooray! Welcome to Photo du jour :) P.s. I didn't even try to read it, I assume its brilliant :)

  4. Paul, you are a total badass. But Jacqueline is right- you are also a perv.

  5. Also, I just showed Billy this picture and he said it has something to do with regulatory genes. is he messing with me, per usual?
